Carbon Monoxide Awareness

Carbon Monoxide Awareness

  • Carbon Monoxide can be produced by ANY fuel that burns, including coal, turf, oil, gas and wood.
  • Service fuel burning appliances and have chimneys swept annuall
  • Install an audible carbon monoxide alarm in your home.

Carbon monoxide is also a concern in leisure settings: Even when you’re away from home, remember that anything that burns fuel – kerosene heaters, engines, stoves, generators, barbecues etc. can emit the deadly poison.

If you own a holiday home, caravan, mobile home, boat or tent, remember:

  • Ensure appliances are installed, maintained and used correctly.
  • Make sure there is adequate ventilation.
  • Keep all vents and exhausts clear.
  • Never bring barbecues under a cover or awning or inside a tent, even after they appear to have gone out.
  • Install an audible carbon monoxide alarm.

For more information